A Charity by Association with a Model GD3 Constitution. Registered Charity number 1107398

If you would like a paper copy of the constitution then please contact us.

Back in 2004 we described to the Charity Commission the type of work we wanted to do, and they put it into the following words (you need to breath in deeply before starting...):

Registered Objectives

'The advancement of education, the advancement of religion, the relief of poverty, and the assistance in the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation in the interest of social welfare; with the object of improving the conditions of life for the people of Romania and Moldova, in particular but not exclusively children and the elderly, by providing financial and other assistance.'

Present Trustees

Julie McLeod (Secretary) - Part time teacher, North Wales/Cheshire
Ruth Meredith - Nurse, South Wales

Adam Meredith (Chair) - Health & Safety Consultant, South Wales

Martin Woodhall (Treasurer) - Retired consultant to the Food Industry, North Wales